Emergency Escape Plan

The “Emergency Escape Plan” focuses on the things you can do in advance to be prepared in case you have to leave an abusive situation quickly. It is provided in this pdf that you can download and print out to take with you as you gather your items.

Try to set aside these items and hide in a safe place, maybe the home of a friend or family member, your lawyer, or a safety deposit box.

Try to keep all the cards you normally use in your wallet.

Keep the following items handy and set aside so you can grab them quickly:

  1. emergency suitcase with immediate needs

  2. Important documents (passports, birth certificate, Ontario Works documents etc.)

  3. special toys, comforts for children

  4. jewelry

  5. small saleable objects

  6. items of special sentimental value

  7. a list of other items you would like to take if you get a chance to come back to your home later